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Using our devices

We are always happy to witness the creative ways our users are using our devices. Here are some of the projects that have caught our eye. More will soon be added to this list, so stay tuned! And if you have a project you would like to share with us, please contact us.


The CanHaptics network host a class CanHap501 using the 2DIY as a platform to build projects. Over the year we’ve seen some amazing projects come out of this class. Here are a few of them:

Craniotomy surgical simulator

A simulation of a craniotomy surgery. The user can feel the resistance of the skull and the softness of the brain. The project uses the 2DIY to control the resistance of the skull and the softness of the brain.

Watch on YouTube


A project to build a musical instrument that can be played with haptic feedback, two 2diy are used to provide a bi-manual interaction.

Watch on YouTube

University of Reading

You will be able to spot some project done with the 2DIY in the Instagram feed of the University of Reading Biomedical Engineering.

View post on Instagram

An example of a project done at the University of Reading:

View post on Instagram

Sorbonne University

The "A-eye" team at ISIR has been using the 2DIY in their participation to the Cybathlon 2024, more information can be found on the ISIR website.

video of the project: